Your name
Email address
Company name
Company size
Do you have a sales strategy in place?
Who is your target market? (age, location, needs etc)
As an organization, what are your values?
How many pages are there in the website? What primary pages do you need? Continue the list below...
What are the specific business objectives (sales, share, new purchasers etc.) and how will they be measured?
Please list examples of websites you like?
Please give information on what you like from the list of websites above?
Please list your competitors websites and give information as directed below? Name Website Link What You Like About Them What You Don’t Like About Them How You See Yourself in Relation to Them
What is the main thing you want website visitors to feel / do?
How would you describe success for this project?
Do you have any 3rd party integrations to include on the website? Example - syncing with a customer database for prescriptions? Please give name of software used
Do you have any materials/other assets we can use i.e. physical equipment,branding, associated collateral, samples, etc.?
Do you have any creative ideas/strategy thoughts of your own at this stage that you would like us to consider as part of our creative thinking/planning?
Do you have any other points or thoughts to add?